First is the binders. They are great, you can separate systems so that cardio does not mix with neurology or in this case so that board studying materials does not mix with endocrinology. Also they come in all these great colors! I use these little ones for day to day stuff so I don't have to carry around monster binders...
Like these massive monster binders. Each one has a system or well, part of a system, you know neuro I, II, and III, and hematology and oncology... All there for reference, just in case one day I want something from them. Dan and I have strategically hide them by the dining room table, under my yoga mat and weights. Veeerrryyy inconspicuous.
Anyways... binders... big big fan.
1.) The books: now that I am a big bad second year and actually have some time to read, I find them to be very good reads. The medical school bibles, I believe is fair to say, with lots of pretty pictures of cancer, diseases, and excellent physiology pathways (ahem, I did say I was a nerd).
2.) The amazing mug that my friend Becky's boyfriend made me before going to school. Its great because it has room for all the pens, pencils, etc at the top and the bottom (or mouth) hold my favorite stickies to mark pages!
3.) Last but not least is the two sharpie highlighters. I have tried many, many highlighters and these get my 10/10 rating. They do not streak at all! They are also super bright and not too thick or chunky. Again, sad to say but I have had lots of highlighter experience.
Once lecture has been attended, the notes have been read, the book may or may not have been read I make myself condensed versions of the material. No, every lecture does not have key words marked in a bright color, each color corresponding to a different lecture. What do you take me for, a DORK? Okay, so maybe I do, but I swear it helps. It makes me really think about what I am writing down and what the "key, testable" words are. Also, I try to stick to the rule of one page (both sides) per lecture hour. To some that may seem like a lot, BUT when 1 hr lectures correspond to 10 pages of power-point slide handouts, it is pretty good.
And when I have days when I just can't make it to school (sick, tired, in need of pjamas) and/or I missed something that a teacher said in the 3rd out of 4th hour of a lecture, I have an amazing computer system set up by my wonderful boyfriend. I get to watch on one computer, take notes on the other. Its really quite handy having the extra screen space. Not to forget, my sexy note stand so I don't need osteopathic manipulations on my neck 24/7.
And then it comes to pretest weekend. How do I make sure I know the material? Ohh, yes I flow chart it! While not very clear from this photo, I have used about two drawing pads this year so far doing this. I started using this technique because as lame as it sounds it is kind of fun. It does really do give me a good idea of what I know and don't know.
Finally, this is the remainder of my note card stash from last year, I still keep them around just in case I feel in the inclination to use them again. While they did help get me through my first year, I have said fair well as I found myself making this many flashcards for one test. Not my most time efficient study method.
They are not a total lost cause, I may have some board studying uses for them yet! But just in excess.
Lastly, I like to have something that makes me smile on my desk. Right now it happens to be our Christmas tree. Last year we had a real tree, well a real fake tree, but after one cat decided it was a peeing post and the other destroyed every glass ornament on it, Dan convinced me to forgo trying another one. So this is our substitute fake tree and I absolutely love it; no watering or cat disturbances involved.
Aww look, our steampunk christmas tree. And thank you index cards for leaving peacefully.
ReplyDeleteHeidi - love the blog! Super fun to read and I really like presentation. Miss you!