Monday, April 16, 2012

The bees aren't the only ones busy....

Alright, I realize that was a lame title but after 5 hours of class and 4 hours of boards studying you can't expect much more form me.  April has been both a busy and relaxing month... I know it seems paradoxical but its because I had a week of vacation before Easter during which Dan and I did many things..... like nap and play video games.... and did I mention play video games?  It all started with a late night decision to download Borderlands for the X-box... which we beat in about three days and was followed by a download of Splinter Cell Conviction. Last night we officially beat the last chapter of that and to my happy surprise today, Dan E-Bayed a used copy of Call of Duty Modern Warefare 3 which I have been drooling over since it came out.  For those of you questioning my dedication to school... it should be noted that the majority of my mornings during vacation were spent as shown in the above picture... at my desk.  There is nothing better than killing some virtual bad guys after turning your brain into medical school soup. 
When we got sick of beating up virtual bad guys we did some other things....
Kayla and Dan did some reading!
Kasarah, Mini, Chris and I played some JUMBO scrabble on the scrabble board I got for Christmas.
 AND one night we got empanadas!  A lot of them.  Ever since our family friend made empanadas for a 4th of July party Dan and I have been hooked.  Last year when I moved to Long Island we found Mama's Empanadas which has the best and widest variety.  Apparently, people buy them, freeze them and ship them all over the country!  We do not get to go there very often, cause its a good 45 minute drive into Queens and they are incredibly unhealthy... but when we do we get a little crazy.  Our last order consisted of 20 empanadas and that was a light order for us!  Even eating them over a few days we have learned that our stomachs can only take so many.  My personal favorites are the broccoli and cheese and the hot dog and cheese (do not cringe, its super yummy) while Dan prefers the ham and cheese and the chorizo.  They also have amazing dessert ones filled with apple (Dan's pick) and banana and peanut butter (my pick).  Needless to say, I did not weight watcher's track that day.

Then there was Easter!  It was complete with Pre-Easter potato pancake dinner and egg dying and Easter day egg hunt, delicious ham, perogees, Easter pie, and tons more food that my stomach is still recovering from!  It was great to get to see my two brothers' kids playing, it always reminds me of how excited I was for my cousins to come over for the holidays.  It was also nice cause my aunt, uncle and cousins from Philly came to visit as well.  

And as if all this wasn't enough Easter Monday Dan and I went to the highly anticipated International Car Show, which was a ton of fun!  We both were excited and surprised that a lot of the cars were open to sit in.  

 I got to sit in my next and future car the Jeep Rubion.  Since I was in college I have always loved the height and turning radius of Jeeps.  I also like the fact that most are hardtop with soft-top as an option for warmer weather.  While it will be a few years, and getting off Long Island (where gas is over 4 dollars a gallon) before we have one.... one day one will be MINE.

We took like a billion photos which I will spare everyone from but I do have to share.....
The Bugatti It was not for sitting in, but that was probably cause its worth over an insane 2 million dollars!